It all begins with an idea


Opening a nursery was something we wanted to do for many years. I have worked in the industry for 20 plus years and really wanted to do things differently. We could see the gaps in the market in Ryedale and we loved the area so much this seemed to be a natural starting place. I was working away a lot as Director for one of the largest nursery groups in the uk. As much as I loved the role and leading SEND across 300 nurseries was so rewarding professionally this had a massive impaction our family life and I felt like I was missing out on my own children. Having 3 neurodivergent children means that our children often haven’t fitted in to the mainstream education system and have needed to be home educated and often involved lots of appointments and meetings. I must say our Local primary school have always gone above and beyond to support us. This is another reason we love what we do we can give back to our local community and work with the schools to support other families. After a little while of searching and walking past the building that is now KMS Nursery several hundred times, we realised it would make a wonderful small homely nursery. Opening KMS took about 9 months and during this time a friend approached us and offered us first refusal on what is now our Helmsley Nursery & OOSC. We hadn’t planned on acquiring a second setting so quickly but these things happen for a reason.

Our dream is five nurseries in 5 years!



Finding our new home!